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Vampires biting
Anal internal
Fingering orgasm
Swingers for My Sweetie "Interviews"
Swingers for My Sweetie "just sex"
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Vampires biting
Anal internal
Fingering orgasm
Swingers for My Sweetie "Interviews"
Swingers for My Sweetie "just sex"
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The website should be called Babes that NEVER bite. I don't know what genere this belongs under but it comes up on searches for "lesbian vampire" . I just don't know how they could misunderstand the consumer any more than they already do. Pretty funny thinking porn actresses fake pleasure for a living and any sex act anyone can come up with but they won't or can't fake being bitten for pleasure.
6 yearsThis used all elements I find arousing about the vampire genere. Most "vampire" clips with the sexual arousal element don't even have biting, certainly not the surrender of a willing victim to the pleasure. Excellent work, and thank you.
6 yearsNo biting. Move on as you've always done before. Demand a bite. Vampire genere is about an erotic bite. This is TRASH because it is put in the wrong genere. As porn its fine, and as art its fine, but as vampire it is an insult.
7 yearsThey need air conditioning...and a script with fangs and biting.