Holli Paige a.k.a. Olya with friends on couch touching
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Holli Paige a.k.a. Olya with friends on couch touching
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This Holly Paige, pink sox, is gay for pay. The other girls are hot but as soon as they try to kiss her or rub her pussy she turns away, her legs almost always clamped shut. If there is a scene of the other 2 together then that's the one I want to see.
WORST CAMERAMAN IN THE WORLD!!! Every time the girls got close enough to kiss, he moved the camera away! The focus should have remained on the faces of the girls (that's where all of the best action was). If he wanted to show their bodies, he should have panned-out to a wide shot (while keeping their heads in frame). All of the close-up shots of their various body parts were completely unnecessary!