AllHerLuv - The Actress Pt. 2 - Serene Siren Laney Grey

AllHerLuv - The Actress Pt. 2 - Serene Siren Laney Grey 06:56 1080p 06:56 8,974 plays

Published on 2 years

Serene (Siren) wakes up in bed,checks her phone and lays back down until a knock is at the door gets her up. She thinks it's her assistant and she's right, but it isn't the assistant she was expecting. It's a new assistant (Laney Grey) and she is startled when she enters until she tells her that she was sent there. Serene is a bit rude and standoffish with Laney until Laney starts to suck up a bit by saying she likes her work. Serene teaches Laney an acting exercise that she learned earlier in her career that she claims helps build intimacy with a screen partner. Laney is practicing meeting people because she was invited to a premiere and Serene lets her pick out one of her old outfits to wear. After the premiere, Laney sneaks into Serene's bedroom to return some stuff and wakes her up in the process. Serene tells her she should go celebrate, but Laney wants to celebrate with her. Laney then leaves and the next morning get into a fight over Laney being obsessed about her and the reality that no one really cares about Serene anymore. Serene then puts on a dress and makeup and comes back out to talk to Laney and tell her that she reminds her of herself. They lean in and start to kiss and rub on each other. They continue to engage in foreplay as they undress until they are both naked and Laney is grinding on Serene as they trib/ Serene drops to the floor, leans back and eats out Laney while she grinds on her face. Serene lays back on the couch next as Laney eats her out while playing with her nipples. Laney goes back to tribbing after this as Serene squeezes her ass and kisses her passionately. Serene takes her turn next as she gets on top of Laney and grinds on her hard. They go into a 69 and more making out to finish up.

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